furniture restoration & repair


Do you have a wobbly chair? Drawers that don’t glide in and out easily? A family heir-loom in need of TLC? A scratched table-top? Wicker or cane that has seen better days?

From my workshop in Tunbridge Wells, I can undertake most repairs and restorations, including:

Re-finishing and polishing using traditional materials and methods; French polish, wax, oil, varnish.

Re-caning of chair seats and backs.

Structural repairs. Match and replace missing mouldings and turnings.

Sympathetic restorations, from a gentle clean and revive, to ‘as new’.

Monogram of jewellery and keep-sake boxes.

Baize tops to card tables.

Metal-work clean and polish.

Marquetry and veneer repairs.

Clock cases and faces.

Stained glass.