Midland in Tewkesbury 7mm Finescale Cameo Layout FOR SALE

You may have seen posts on my Instagram , Facebook and RMWeb pages showing progress on this cameo layout, which is now being offered for sale to make room for the next project which will be Midland in Nottingham. Tewkesbury follows on from Midland in Bristol - which gained second place in the MRJ Cameo Competition back in 2019. It perhaps could have been first place but the radio control packed up during the competition! I’ve moved away from radio control now and Tewkesbury is wired for DCC control.

Tewkesbury scenic area measures about 1800mm x 480mm, and has an integrated lighting pelmet and fascia. It comes with a traverser which runs on super-smooth linear ball-bearing rails. What isn’t included will be rolling stock and the DCC Powercab control system. However, I do have a rather nice Healings 7-plank open wagon which has been expertly sign-written by Alan Brackenborough which could be included in the sale for an agreed sum.

The layout has been entirely built by me, and features top-quality trackwork; hand-built using C&L components, Tortoise point-motors, controlled by DPDT toggle switches mounted in a bespoke track diagram control panel.

The scenic area is ‘based on’ Tewkesbury, utilising various views of the real Tewkesbury engine shed, old station and quay branch down to Healings Mill. It’s the sort of layout where you could just sit and admire the scenes within the scene, and occasionally shunt the odd wagon around; or drive a loco ‘on shed’ to top up on coal and water.

Offers are invited over £4750. Collection is available from Tunbridge Wells, or delivery could be discussed.